This chapter offers a critical look at how five disabled and non-disabledresearchers, and two commissioners experienced working with the project Artist– an accessible profession? A research project about artists with disabilities inNorway. Understanding the project as a collaborative learning process, they generatedresearch material for a post-project study through writing reflective notesprompted by the two questions: What surprised me? Were there specific learningmoments in the project? Dialoguing with theory from co-design research in criticaldisability studies, they scrutinize their own narrated experience and arrive atinsights about: how embodied knowing and nuances of crip time – articulated asslow time and timing, sustainable time, and time as a site of care – could challengeableist structures of theoretical knowing, efficient time and timing, competitivetime, and time as something to control. Without conscious action, such ableiststructures risk reproducing themselves not only in arts, culture, and society, butalso in research projects that critically examine precisely these ableist structures.
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